Woman of the King of Stretcher, Becomes Kingdom of Bone Magnet FKN 2019

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Palopo, Mitrasulawesi. Id- Kingdom warriors again stole the attention of the audience at the Keraton Nusantara Festival (FKN) XIII, which was centered in the City of Palopo, South Sulawesi, Monday (9/9/2019).

when the contingent of the Kingdom of Bone had a turn to pass in front of the main stage, the audience immediately closed ranks. They seriously watched the actions and performances that were presented. Especially when the appearance of Bissu Bumi Arung Palakka

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The head of the Bone Regency Culture Office, Andi Promal Pawi, said that the Bone Regency was well prepared for everything before going into action.

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The participation of the Bone Kingdom Warriors at FKN, has become a routine agenda. This is done as an effort to preserve national culture and regional promotion.

“In total there are about 170 people from Bone Regency who went to Palopo,” Promal said

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The man who was intimately called Puang Ommang said, the appearance of Bone Regency in FKN 2019 carried the theme of the Kings of Women who had served in the Kingdom (AB/bms)

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