Why student’s movement must be supported!

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By Shamsi Ali Al-Kajangi

Talking about supporting students movement on campuses around the nation, and around the globe, has nothing to to with only religion or politics. It’s all about human values: dignity, freedom and justice.

Islam is a religion that honors human dignity, freedom and justice. These are certainly God’s guarantee and He granted those to all children of Adam. The holy Qur’an said: “certainly We have honored the children of Adam”.

Freedom is an important element of human rights. It is is granted and guaranteed by Allah Himself. In fact, our basic Islamic tenet “laa ilaaha illa Allah” is believed to be the foundation of freedom. Believing in the “Oneness of Allah” (tauheed) means freeing ourselves from any enslavement or domination but Allah, the Lord of all mankind.

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Another important element of human rights is justice. Justice is a basic human tendency. In other words, every human being wants to be treated with justice. Justice is considered a main pillar that brings stability to humans life. Without justice, human life will be shaken (see Ar-Rahman: 7-9).

Moreover, in Islam justice is considered a universal human value that can not be undermined. It’s a core of righteousness or piety (taqwa). Allah says: “be just! That is closer to piety”.

Islam teaches us to uphold and practice justice even when it is against our own or family’s interest.

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In the last several days we have been witnessing waves of demonstrations in the United States of America, in fact all over the world in support of respect for human rights, dignity, and justice. Most notably these days in US university campuses, students are raising their voice to support our Palestinian Brothers and Sisters’ basic rights.

American Muslims as an integral part of this nation are certainly proud of the fact that the ideal principle and value of this country is respect of human dignity, freedom and justice for all. A value we do not only cherish, but have taken the responsibility to campaign and promote it to others around the globe.

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For the above very reason we support and defend the rights of all Americans to exercise their freedom of speech and expression. Those demonstrations we are witnessing around the nation represent the very fundamental values of America. While not everyone may agree with the students who are protesting, it is a very fundamental and basic right in the United States to express oneself and protest. It’s guaranteed and protected by the US Constitution.

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